21 January 2010

Baby Talk

Tomorrow, Darin and I find out the sex of our baby. I can't even describe how excited I am. The last time I was this excited was right before my wedding. I am taking the whole day off from work! Darin and I will find out around 10am, then celebrate the rest of the day!

A lot of people have been asking me my gut feeling if its a girl or boy. It's so hard for me to make the call. Darin and I both want a girl, and sometimes I feel like I'm having a girl. Sometimes I think we'll have a boy, just because we both want a girl. Either way, I'm so excited and can't wait to start decorating the nursery.

My pregnancy has been pretty great so far. The first trimester was a breeze, and it was over before I knew it, literally. By the time we went to our first doctors appointment, I didn't have many symptoms and I thought I was at 8 weeks. When we had our first ultrasound, they told us we were at 13 weeks! Whaaa?! We were surprised and excited to get rid of a month of waiting.

The only cravings I have had are foods filled with protein like peanut butter, milk, cottage cheese, etc. Lately I have been craving raw veggies, there's just something about that crunch! I am probably eating healthier than I have ever have before! Also, after getting rid of alcohol, caffeine, etc. I feel so healthy and energized. All the little things that bugged me in any given day, don't matter so much anymore and its easier to have a good attitude...its all been pretty nice. (I really recommend the NO alcohol/caffeine/smoking diet to anyone who is feeling down and out, it's unbelievable how good you will feel!)

I would have to say the worst part so far was having a cold for a week. Mostly because I can't take anything to relieve the symptoms, which led to many sleepless nights. And randomly crying about once a week, that is weird.

I hope the rest of my pregnancy will go this well, and I hope I can continue to feel this great forever! I'm 18 weeks, 5 days and counting. Tomorrow will be another exciting memory that I will never forget. I've been trying to make sure I document all of this, because it is unlike anything I have ever gone through before. Every part of it seems so important and new, I don't want to forget a single thing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing all that. I appreciate it and am bummed I can't be around more right now.
